Youth & Adult In-Home Respite provides family caregivers with a short period of rest or relief by arranging alternate caregiving for the family member with a developmental disability.

Over forty families in Hudson County receive in-home respite care each week. Specially trained providers care for individuals with developmental disabilities through activities which best suit their specific needs and preferences.

Respite providers give support in the areas of self-help, practical skills and community integration. Social recreational activities are a top priority. Adults enrolled in this program are referred by the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities. Youths (up to ages 21 years) are referred by the New Jersey Department of Children & Families Division of Children’s System of Care.


Children meeting the New Jersey Department of Health eligibility requirements (birth-3 years old) and their families living in Hudson County receive family training services through Hudson Milestones. Services include developmental intervention, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and family support. Our staff are specialists in this field.